I'm a huge fan of Org-mode, and I keep all of my org-mode files in git repositories which are under myrepos control.
However, because I often make lots of changes to my agenda and notes, I hate having to manually visit each individual project and make changes to it. [And it's also annoying when I forget to commit a specific change and then have to try to get my laptop and desktop back into sync.]
Luckily, myrepos can easily run a command in parallel in all of the repositories! The following "update_org_files" command will update all of my org-file containing repositories in parallel:
ORG_GREP='-e .org$ -e .org_archive$ -e .org_done$'
if [ "x$1" == "xdoit" ]; then
if git status --porcelain -z | grep -z '^ M' | grep -zq $ORG_GREP; then
git status --porcelain -z | grep -z '^ M' | grep -z $ORG_GREP | \
sed -z 's/^ M//g' | \
xargs -0 git commit -m'update org files'
git push;
emacsclient -n -e '(org-save-all-org-buffers)' >/dev/null 2>&1
mr -d ~ -j5 run update_org_files doit;
An updated version of this lives in my git repository