Well, it's now day four of my trip. Everything seems to be going
well. I had pancakes for dinner tonight, with real live maple syrup,
which hopefully will last the rest of the trip home. For some reason,
my powerbook seems not to be charging off of the power supply in my
car... I'll have to check that one out again... could be some polarity
issue, or just the fact that square wave power doesn't agree with it.
Devil's Tower is really, really neat. The monument just raises out
from nowhere like a gigantic pillar of hexagon shaped granite, almost
like a gigantic Atari symbol. Quite a few touristas were around
walking around the tower on the short trail... I ended up walking
around the entire close trail, and then the farther loop... actually,
when all is said and done, I hiked (well, walked really) almost all of
the trails in the park in less than 3 hours.
Hopefully some of the multitude of pictures I took came out. The tower
itself is really impressive, and I'm going to try to get a few shots
when I drive out of this place.
Before I forget, on the way here I stopped at Wounded Knee, and
briefly drove by the massacre site. Eventually I think I come back,
but not until I have a better understanding of the events surrounding
that event, and can appreciate it more. I drove a bit through the
badlands, and saw some of the more interesting geological
formations... some of those pictures ought to be worth looking at.
If I had actually wanted to, I could have gone through sundance, but
I'm not so sure that I do... that film festival has completely
overshadowed the town.
Anyway, the campsites here are pretty nice, the bugs have all been shot (or mostly so) and so long as the cows stay quiet, I'll be all right tonight. MOOOOO!!!!