[[!meta title="Switching to KGB from CIA"]] [CIA.vc](http://cia.vc) has unfortunately [disappeared](http://shadowm.rewound.net/blog/archives/245-CIA.vc-is-dead.html), and is [unlikely to return](http://pastebin.com/9RBBniM1) any time soon. I personally have decided to switch to [KGB](http://kgb.alioth.debian.org/), but other alternatives such as [FBI](http://fbi.github.com) and [irker](http://www.catb.org/esr/irker/) exist. To switch, you first need to find or set up a kgb bot. If this is a Debian associated FOSS project, feel free to contact me or join \#kgb-devel on irc.oftc.net and ask for someone to allow your project to talk to their bot. Once you've found a bot, we need to set up the client. [I'll talk about bot set up at the end.] kgb-client configuration ------------------------ Install the `kgb-client` and `kgb-client-git` packages. Currently, kgb only supports subversion, git, and cvs, but support for additional VCSes continue to be added as kgb gains popularity. For git repositories, add a post-receive hook like the following: #!/bin/sh tee hooks/reflog | kgb-client --conf /path/to/kgbclient.conf --repository git --git-reflog - For subversion repositories, add a post-commit hook like the following: #!/bin/sh kgb-client --conf /path/to/kgbclient.conf --repository svn "$1" "$2" Then update the configuration file `/path/to/kgbclient.conf`: --- repo-id: my-repository servers: - uri: http://servername:9999/ password: verysecret # optional link to a website where the commits are; # needs newish kgb-client and server web-link: http://example.com/?p=my-repository;a=commitdiff;h=${commit} Then, send the bot owner the password, repo-id, channel, and network you'd like the changes to be reported to. Configuring kgb-bot ------------------- The bots just listen to soap requests and if the password matches, sends the commit to the appropriate IRC channel. To set one up, install `kgb-bot`. Then, enable the bot (set `BOT_ENBALED=1` in `/etc/default/kgb-bot`), and configure the bot's configuration file `/etc/kgb-bot/kgb.conf`: --- soap: server_addr: server_port: 9999 service_name: KGB queue_limit: 150 log_file: "/var/log/kgb-bot.log" repositories: # just a name to identify it my-repository: # needs to be the same on the client password: verysecret networks: oftc: nick: KGB-you ircname: KGB bot username: kgb password: ~ nickserv_password: yournickservpassword server: irc.oftc.net port: 6667 freenode: nick: KGB-you ircname: KGB bot username: kgb password: ~ nickserv_password: yournickservpassword server: irc.freenode.net port: 6667 channels: - name: '#your-channel' network: oftc repos: - your-repo - name: '#commits' network: freenode repos: - your-repo Then start the bot (`/etc/init.d/kgb-bot start`), and watch as it joins channels and reports your changes! You'll probably actually want to register whatever nick you are using on the networks, etc... but you can figure that out yourself! [[!tag debian tech kgb]]